
Monday, June 25, 2018

Emotet Spam Push IceID Banking Trojan - Part 2 [Macro & PowerShell]

In this part I will analyzed the  downloaded macro malware and the Powershell that will download the Emotet malware.

Macro Code:

 Sha1: 8f6842f143d7df880c7bdb7219545be28f2ccc63
FileName: BVS-INV-9563373426884.doc

the common social engineering used by malware attacker to lure the user to enable macro.

fig. 1 - the malicious document

using the oledump.py tool by Didier Steven we can see that the Word document contain macro code.

fig. 2 - Macro document info
 by extracting the macro within the 2 component "8" and "15" we can see that the macro tries to concat several string that was initialized in some random name variables.

fig. 3 - macro code
fig. 4 - how it execute the concat string

 So using the "Debug.Print" we can extract the whole Powershell it tries to execute.

fig. 5 - powershell it tries to execute

The Powershell Code:

The Powershell looks interesting, because now it was encrypted.Technique to hide the actual code it will execute.

fig. 6 - the powershell code

the encryption is simple xor with key of 0x3a. so using simple python script we can decrypt it and see the actual code that will download an executable to a malicious URL link and save it to the %temp% directory and execute it by invoking Start-Process module.

fig. 7 - python decryption script

fig. 8 - decrypted Powershell Code
back to first Analysis:
Emotet Spam Push IceID Banking Trojan - Part 1 [Spam & Network Traffic] 

Last Analysis:
Emotet Spam Push IceID Banking Trojan - Part 3 [ICEID Banking trojan Hooking Process]

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